Merlin Power VI Guidelines

Merlin Introduction Gif


This style guide provides a flexible framework and a series of assets which when used correctly creates a brand that is unmistakably Merlin Power.

For further support, contact:

Marketing Department
T: +44(0)1202 697979

Brand Strategy

Our brand has a unique and rich heritage. It is built on 35 years of delivering innovative power solutions across sectors as diverse as the emergency services, defence, and commercial sectors.

Our brand strategy consists of two simple and connected ideas:

— How we define our brand is our brand essence.
— How we communicate our brand is our brand promise.

Merlin Brand Strategy

Brand Essence

Our brand essence is:


Blue — represents trust and our colour signature.
Brave — represents our ability to go further, to innovate and to take each on customer mission wholeheartedly.
Bulletproof — represents quality, precision and performance in all that we do.

This is the powerful, emotional heart and soul of our brand. This enables differentiation from competitors; an evocation of the customers experience with our brand; a distinctive and consistent delivery of our brand.
Our brand essence should be used internally to inspire our people and spotlight our positive attitude to our work.

Merlin Brand Stratergy

Brand Promise

Our brand promise is:


This is how we articulate our brand value proposition, affirming our customers' expectation of our brand. We use our brand promise to tell stories about what we do and why we do it. We use our brand promise to sign-off all communications.

‘Power in Action’ communicates our ability to create power solutions that deliver real value for our customers, focusing on real-world benefits where they matter most.

‘Power in Action’ demonstrates our ability to build and integrate critical power solutions with innovation, unrivalled quality, resilience, and original thinking.

At Merlin Power we put ‘Power in Action’.

Merlin Brand Stratergy

Secondary Logo Use

The need may arise to provide some flexibility in the application of our logo. However this flex must feature only our colour palette. Mono variants also exist for B&W printing needs.

Do not

— Use non-brand colours
— Apply our logo without prior approval

Merlin Brand Stratergy

Clear Space & Minimum Sizes

Our logo adheres to clear space and minimum size rules to ensure legibility when reproduced. The clear space is determined by the 'P' of Power.

The minimum size of our logo is 60mm/170px in width. When commisioning applications, always conduct a print/production test to ensure legibility, particularly when dealing with logos close to minimum size.

Do not

— Encroach on the clear space
— Go smaller than minimum size
— Commission without testing

Merlin Brand Stratergy

M Icon

In addition to the Merlin Power logo we use the M from the logo as a shorthand asset for the brand. We use this at both large scale (for hero graphics), and small scale (for when space doesn't allow for the Merlin Power logo).

It's never to be used as a replacement for the Merlin Power logo (other than social media icons), and it is typically paired with the Merlin Power logo, for example on a side of a vehicle or on the reverse of a branded uniform. See examples.

It may also be used in a home environment, whereby it is used instead of merlin power logo. See Home & Away Communication principles.

Do not

— Use the M Icon as the master logo
— Stretch or amend the M Icon
— Change the colour of the M icon

Merlin Brand Stratergy Merlin Brand Stratergy
Merlin Brand Stratergy

Social Media M Icon

To ensure brand consistency, we use our M Icon for all social media platforms as our profile icon.

If banners are permissable, this is a perfect place to feature our logo or brand promise. See the two examples below.

Do not

— Use another asset as our profile icon

Merlin Brand Stratergy

When creating social banners, keep it simple. These examples show two different approaches. The first uses full frame photography and the second uses full frame graphic texture. Both feature Merlin Blue for immediate brand recognition.

Base image: LinkedIn — photographic
Hover image: LinkedIn — graphic


We use two type families in our brand identity system, Barlow and Roboto Mono. Both of these typefaces have been chosen to compliment the technical nature of Merlin Power.

Headlines / H1

For short, impactful headlines we use Barlow Medium or Regular, all caps. Tracking is set wide at 200 or 300.

Subheads / H2 & H3

We use a combination of both Barlow and Roboto Mono for subheads. Weights flexible dependent on application.


For bodycopy we primarily use Barlow Regular and Barlow medium for highlighting. For intro paragraphs Roboto Mono is permissable.


For tables and we use Roboto Mono as the monospaced nature of the font is perfect for data input.

Product Names

For product names we use Barlow Medium, in Title Case with no spaces. Tracking is set to 50.

Both font families are freely available at Google fonts.

Do not

— Use any other fonts
— Use other weights

Merlin Brand Stratergy Merlin Brand Stratergy

Bespoke Numerals

Bespoke numerals share the same aesthetic as our logo, and are used to create pace in communications. Most suited for section dividers, signage and animation sequences.

The examples show all permissable colour options. The whole suite can appear in one colour range for instance.

Base image: Permissable colourways
Hover image: Full suite

Do not

— Use non-brand colours


Colour plays an essential role in how we express ourselves. Our palette is bright, vibrant and powerful. Our primary colour is Merlin Volt Blue, which must be present in all communications.

Should additional colours be required for charts and diagrams, tints are permissable at 50% and 75%.

A print test must be conducted for any large scale printing jobs.

Do not

— Use any other colours
— Exclude Merlin Volt Blue
— Go to print without testing

Merlin Brand Stratergy


At Merlin Power we are the the experts in every stage of the power ecosystem. We call this 'The Power Cycle'. Each of the five stages: Generate, Store, Manage, Covert and Distribute, is represented by an icon.

The assets are accompanied by a descriptor. For editorial purposes, these can be removed if their respective titles appear in close proximity to the icons. The suite also includes two additional icons for extreme duty and portable power product ranges.

The examples show all permissable colour options. The whole suite can appear in one colour range for instance.

Do not

— Amend the icons
— Use non-brand colours
— Exclude a descriptor in layouts

Merlin Brand Stratergy

Verbal Identity

We are world leading experts in power systems. How we communicate and the tone of voice we use in our communications is critically important in demonstrating that we both understand our customers world and challenges; and that we are there to put power in action for them. We have some simple principles that we follow when we write. Our TOV should always feel:


When you write something, read it and consider the above principles. If you don’t distinctly recognise them in your writing, try again.

Base image: Single line headlines
Hover image: Two word headlines


When writing ads or content, please follow the simple three step system as follows. This ensures we retain clarity, relevance and engagement with customers.

1. Punchy Headline

As per the examples above we use language and phrases that feel powerful and emphasise impact. We are bold and direct with a touch of adventure. It’s important to bring some emotion and keep it short! Try using 2 words only to capture the point and create interest.

2. Clear Proposition

The headline is doing the work of engaging the reader. The proposition and body copy needs to make it clear what we are offering. Keep it simple, clear and relevant. Use statistics and numbers if it adds immediacy and gets the point across. Use it to expand the story in the headline.

3. Call to Action

This is the opportunity to convert the reader into our content or sales funnel. Make it clear what will happen when they click, e.g. DISCOVER, READ MORE or SHOP NOW.

Merlin Brand Stratergy

Image Style

Power in Action is our main focus when it comes to lifestyle imagery – whether this is still or moving image. This is brought to life across four key areas to support visual storytelling:

1_Power Applied


Our brand in application. Heroic shots of our main sectors: marine, emergency services, defence, transportation – the true meaning of Power in Action.

Art Direction Principles

— Reportage in style, photography shows real world use of our power systems.
— The presence of environment immediately contextualises the impact we make.
— Shot near, far and from above, we use scale for pace and variety.
— Lighting is natural covering all climates, time-zones and weather conditions.

Always apply the above principles when selecting additional content.

2_Human Empowerment


Focus on how our technology acts as an enabler for our customers. From saving lives to sailing oceans.

Art Direction Principles

— With greater human presence in frame, we see people in the moment, enabled by our power systems.
— Closer crops provide greater intimacy, delivering heightened emotional engagement with the content.
— Subjects are never staged, we can choose to shoot over-the-shoulder or simply capture details of empowerment, such as hands on the wheel when navigating land or sea.
Always apply the above principles when selecting additional content.

Merlin Brand Stratergy

3_Real World


Real world context and environments. This reflects where power is needed in the world and should suggest some of the challenges faced in delivering it.

Art Direction Principles

— For greater storytelling, shots of the natural world are used to compliment Power Applied and Human Empowerment imagery.
— Covering land and sea, these shots showcase the necessity of having the right electrical power solutions to take on the demands of the natural world.
— In some instances, we illustrate the implied presence of Merlin Power, such as the tyre tracks of military vehicles to the wave from a Merlin powered lifeboat.

Always apply the above principles when selecting additional content.

Merlin Brand Stratergy

4_The Power Cycle

In addition to lifestyle imagery we also use abstract imagery as a graphical representation of power. Combine image styles to create dramatic visual effects in communications.


Technology and innovation, systems, details, precision.

Art Direction Principles

— These images have been chosen to convey each of the five stages in The Power Cycle: Generate, Store, Manage, Convert, Distribute.
— All images appear in Merlin Volt Blue as shown and only these images are to be used when communicating The Power Cycle.
— Each stage of The Power Cycle has its own image which is presented alongside its respective icon.

Base image: Overview of The Power Cycle
Hover image: Imagery applied to stages

Image Treatment

To differentiate ourselves, our identity system features an ownable imagery style. We utilise a combination of colour treatment, image manipulation and image pairing. A working knowledge of the Adobe suite is required to apply the following treatments to imagery.

Applying Colour

We apply Merlin Volt Blue as horizontal bands to our imagery. We never apply this at more than 50% of the image area and bands can shift up and down. We do this by applying a layer above the image and setting the Blend Mode to 'Screen'. This allows the natural colour of the image to still come through.

Motion Blur

To create a sense of motion, where desireable we can add horizontal motion blur to images. This is a useful tool to create greater visual interest and convey speed and energy.

Image Pairing

We experiment with dynamic pairings. The use of colour, scale, motion blur and interesting cropping aids in delivering Power in Action.

A print test must be conducted for any large scale printing jobs.

Do not

— Use any other colours
— Go to print without testing

Merlin Brand Stratergy

Product Photography

Our product portfolio and technological innovations are category leading. We shoot our products with pride, showcasing each one in a clear and simple way. Consistency is key, each product is studio shot at the same orientations and with the same lighting setup.

Precise orientations elevate our products' desireability and ensures our customers have a full understanding of function and size.

Products should be shot:
1. At 3/4 view
2. From the side
3. From the front
4. From the top
Close up details (5) are used to highlight craft, quality and unique product attributes. The back may be useful where connectivity is a consideration for instance.

Merlin Brand Stratergy

Layout Principles


This example illustrates an A4 format. We follow three steps to determine the logo size, margin widths and column grid.

1. Logo Sizing

Divide the format diagional length by 6, this provides the logo width (X).

2. Margins & Logo Positioning

Margins are determined by the M of Merlin. The logo can be placed top right, left and centre for communications such as letterheads.

Column Grid

A basic and flexible column grid is created using divisions of 3 as shown.

Merlin Brand Stratergy


These examples illustrate some of the most common digital formats. We follow three steps to determine the logo size, margin widths and column grid. To cater for the variety of banner sizes, it may be necessary to flex the sizing principles. Please read the print layout principles before continuing in this section.

Logo Sizing

Divide the diagional length of the format using these examples as a guide. This provides the logo width (X).

Margins & Logo Positioning

Margins are determined by the P of Power. The logo is typically placed centered on the vertical and horizontal axis and can shift up, down, left and right as necessary.

Column Grid

A basic and flexible column grid is created using divisions of 3 as shown.

Merlin Brand Stratergy

Digital Layouts

The examples show how the rules are applied when creating digital communications. They act as a guide to ensure consistency across any given format.

Base image: Digital banners + grids
Hover image: Digital banners

Home & Away Communications

When creating communications consider where they will appear, either in a 'home' or 'away' environment. This determines how we apply our branding.

Home Environment:

A Merlin Power space, such as our website, on our social channels or showroom. We are already in a Merlin Power branded environment so communications don't require further application of logos.

Away Environment:

An external space such as an exhibition, a digital ad or a social media post on LinkedIn or Instagram that isn’t appearing on our feed directly (e.g. a promoted or sponsored post). In these instances we apply our logo.

In these examples:
1. Home, no additional branding required
2. Home, featuring M Icon
3. Away, featuring Logo

Merlin Brand Stratergy

Brand In Application

The following section provides examples of the brand identity system in application.

Use them as inspiration when creating your own communications and brand touchpoints.

Merlin Brand Stratergy

Website Homepage

Merlin Brand Stratergy

Website Product Page

Merlin Brand Stratergy

Social Media Posts

Merlin Brand Stratergy


Merlin Brand Stratergy

Merlin Defence

Merlin Defence is signalled by the introduction of the colour Desert Sand.

When creating defence communications, there MUST ALWAYS be a presence of Volt Blue to ensure brand recognition. The examples show how this can be achieved by either applying Volt Blue brand assets over defence content, or using Volt Blue imagery with Desert Sand brand assets applied.

Note that the only graphic that can appear in Desert Sand is the M Asset, our logo must only appear in the colourways as shown in the Logo Section.

Do not

— Create comms without Volt Blue
— Apply our logo in Desert Sand

Merlin Brand Stratergy Merlin Brand Stratergy Merlin Brand Stratergy