EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/01/2025


All orders are accepted by Merlin Equipment Ltd. (“Merlin Equipment") on these conditions of sale which supersede any other terms appearing in the catalogue or elsewhere, and, unless otherwise specifically agreed in writing on Merlin Equipment headed documentation by one of the Directors of Merlin Equipment. These conditions of sale override and exclude any other terms stipulated or incorporated or referred to by the Customer, whether in the purchase order or during any negotiations or any course of dealing established between Merlin Equipment and the Customer, and constitute the entire understanding between Merlin Equipment and the Customer for the sale of products or services.

No obligation shall arise as a result of a catalogue entry, quotation or any other offer, until Merlin Equipment accepts the order from a Customer seeking to make a purchase.

For streamlined processing, we encourage the use of Merlin Equipment's order codes along with the customer name or trade account number when placing orders. Telephone orders are accepted with the requirement of written confirmation to follow. We reserve the right to deliver partial orders or hold them until all items are available as needed.

At Merlin Equipment, there are two distinct types of special orders: call-off orders and non-stock orders. Call-off orders are those scheduled for delivery within six months of order placement, while non-stock orders involve purchasing goods not typically stocked by Merlin Equipment. If goods are not "called off" within the six-month timeframe for call-off orders, we reserve the right to ship all outstanding items to the customer. Once a call-off or non-stock order has been acknowledged, any cancellation or modification must be agreed upon with a Director of Merlin Equipment. In case of cancellation, the customer is liable to compensate Merlin for damages, including consequential losses and a minimum of 30% of the order price. Any additional terms must be negotiated and approved in writing by a Director of Merlin Equipment.

Separate conditions of sale apply to export sales. The Customer is responsible at the Customer's own expense for obtaining any licence and complying with any export regulations in force within the United Kingdom and in the country for which the products are destined.

Merlin Equipment reserves the right to alter prices at any time without prior notice. In general, prices are reviewed every 6 months, except in the case of products subject to high price volatility over a shorter period e.g. certain computer products. All prices are subject to Value Added Tax (VAT) at the relevant rate ruling on the date of dispatch. Products marked 'NV' in the catalogue are rated at zero % at the time of going to press.

Merlin Equipment will use reasonable endeavours to meet delivery estimates but cannot accept any liability whatsoever for failure to do so however arising. Failure to meet a delivery date where deliveries are by instalment shall not prejudice Merlin Equipment's right to make further deliveries by instalment under that contract. The Customer must inspect the products as soon as reasonably practicable after direct delivery and shall within 7 working days of such delivery give notice to Merlin Equipment in detail of any defect in the products or of any other complaint which the Customer may wish to make about Merlin Equipment's service.

No claim in respect of non-delivery of products will be considered unless written notification is given to Merlin Equipment within 5 days from receipt of a credit account statement in respect of the products. Payment a) Cash with order. Please ensure that Cheques are made out to: MERLIN EQUIPMENT LTD. and are crossed 'Payee Only' b) Credit Terms. Credit Terms are available subject to satisfactory references. Payment is due 30 days from the date of the invoice without any deductions whatsoever. If the Credit Customer fails to make any payment on the due date, then, without prejudice to any other right or remedy available to Merlin Equipment, it shall be entitled to:- (i) Cancel the order and suspend further deliveries (ii) Appropriate any payment made by the Customer to such of the products (or products supplied under any other order) as Merlin Equipment may think fit (iii) Charge an administration fee for any legal or other actions required to recover monies due (iv) Charge interest on the unpaid amount from the due date at a rate of 4% above the Bank of England base rate.

Risk of loss of or damage to the products shall pass to the Customer at the time of delivery or collection from a Merlin Equipment warehouse. The property in the products shall not pass to the Customer until all sums due or owing to Merlin Equipment by the Customer on any account have been paid. If payment in full or in part is not made by the due date, or the Customer is wound up, or a receiver is appointed over any asset or the undertaking of the Customer, Merlin Equipment will be entitled without prior notice to the Customer or any liquidator or receiver to retake possession of the products and for that purpose to enter upon any premises occupied or owned by the Customer.

All specifications, illustrations or other details contained our catalogue or any price list or advertising material or otherwise communicated to the Customer are intended merely to present a general idea of the product and nothing contained in any of them shall form part of the contract between Merlin Equipment and the Customer. If the description of any products not of Merlin Equipment's manufacture contained in any correspondence, advertising material, invoice or catalogue varies from that of the manufacturer's description, the manufacturer's description will be deemed to be the correct description and shall take precedence over Merlin Equipment's description. The manufacturer's description is available from Merlin Equipment on request.

The responsibility for ensuring that products are sufficient and suitable for the Customer's requirements is the Customer's sole responsibility save in so far as Merlin Equipment have specifically advised the Customer in writing on Merlin Equipment headed documentation that the products are sufficient and suitable for the Customer's purposes having been fully and accurately advised by the Customer of his requirements.

In most cases, Merlin Power will accept merchandise returns subject to the terms outlined in this Section. Merchandise and products purchased from third parties and not directly from Merlin Power are not eligible for return, refund, or exchange.

Returns will not be accepted without express consent and the issuance of a Return Material Authorisation (“RMA”) number. For all returns not relating to warranties, returns can be made within 30 days of the invoice date, provided the items are in their original packaging and in resalable condition. Returns made between 30 days and up to 6 months from the invoice date will be accepted, subject to a 15% restocking fee, with items still required to be in their original packaging and resalable condition. After 6 months, returns will not be accepted unless the item is faulty.

Faulty or damaged goods are treated separately. If you receive a faulty or damaged product, please contact our Customer Services Department to report the issue. We will arrange to resolve the problem in accordance with your statutory rights. Goods returned to us for any reason must be sent carriage paid.

Please be advised that detailed information regarding our warranty policies, including terms, conditions, coverage, and procedures, can be found in our separate Warranty Policy document. By purchasing and using our products or services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to the terms outlined in the Warranty Policy.

For your convenience, the Warranty Policy can be accessed here or you may request a copy directly from our Customer Support Team. It is imperative that you review this document thoroughly to fully comprehend your rights and responsibilities concerning warranties associated with our products or services.

In the event of any conflict or discrepancy between the information provided in these terms and conditions and the Warranty Policy, the Warranty Policy shall prevail.

Merlin Power has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the products do not infringe any patent, design, trademark, copyright, or any other rights of third parties. Merlin Power owns full copyright in respect of the catalogue and any other catalogues published in paper or electronic form. The reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, in part or in whole, is prohibited without Merlin Power's prior written consent.

The Customer will be responsible for ensuring the fitness for the purpose of the products for the Customer's application. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information or advice provided in our catalogue or any other advertising material or by members of Merlin Equipment staff. However Merlin Equipment accepts no liability whatsoever or howsoever arising in respect of loss, damage or expense arising from errors in information or advice provided whether or not due to Merlin Equipment's negligence or that of its employees, agents or sub contractors. Merlin Equipment shall not be liable to the Customer by reason of any representation (unless fraudulent), or any implied warranty, condition or other term, or any duty at common law, or under the express terms of contract with the Customer, for any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage (whether for loss of profit or otherwise), costs, expenses or other claims for compensation whatsoever (whether caused by the negligence of Merlin Equipment, its employees or agents or otherwise) which arise out of or in connection with the supply of the products or their use or resale by the Customer, and the entire liability of Merlin Equipment under or in connection with the contract with the Customer shall not exceed the price of the products except as expressly provided in these terms and conditions.

If the performance of the contract or any obligation under it is prevented, restricted, or interfered with by any reason or circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the party obliged to perform it, the party so affected shall be excused from performance to the extent of the prevention, restriction, or interference but shall use its best efforts to avoid or remove such causes of non-performance.

Any sales transacted by Merlin Power are governed solely by English Law, and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts.

Nothing contained herein shall affect a Customer's statutory rights if they 'deal as a consumer' as defined in Section 12 of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977.